Patrick Townsend

Stellar Chandelier 56"



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Inspired by cosmic string theory, and created using tension and compression, The Stellar56 chandelier is at once timeless and modern.

  • Design Country: USA
  • Material: Glass, Plastic, Rubber
  • Wiring: Hardwired
  • Dimensions: 42"dia x 54"H
    • 12' cord drop can be trimmed to desired length
  • Bulbs: Bulbs included
  • Additional Information:
    • UL Listing available for an additional fee


Patrick Townsend

Patrick Townsend

Patrick Townsend designs light fixtures with intricate geometric and seemingly engineered patterns. His award winning series have grown over the years, from a single chandelier design to a large collection of unique light fixtures. His inspiration is drawn from natural and man-made elements - an eclectic blend of suspension bridges, constellations, and energy patterns - creating a truly unique lightscape.

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