Tom Dixon

Globe Cone Floor Lamp



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A spherical orb, highly mirrored and perfectly reflective during the day, when switched on reveals a multiplicity of internal reflections from the integral LED. Reminiscent of ancient witch balls, hollowed spheres of colored glass which were used to ward off evil spirits, Globe is available in copper and chrome finishes in pendant form, as well as two floor lights.

  • Design Country: Germany
  • Material: Polycarbonate, Steel & Carbon Fiber
  • Wiring: Plug & Cord
    • 98.4" Black Fabric Cable w/ Foot Switch
  • Dimensions: 19.7"D x 8.7"W x 70.9"H
  • Bulb: Integrated LED
  • Additional Information:
    • Dimmable
    • UL Listed


Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon

Some designers can’t be put into a box. Tom Dixon is one such designer, whose career first got its start when he began welding pieces of car body parts together to create chairs. He created 100 chairs in one year using this method, which put him on the map and later lead to some of his early modern masterpieces like the S-Chair and Pylon chair. Today Dixon runs his own design firm and label, having headed Sir Terrence Conran's Habitat as well as Finnish furniture manufacturer, Artek as Creative Director.

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